


Manufacturing operations experts at Sea Cliff assist our clients in the manufacturing sector to streamline their processes by optimizing supply chain input and processing throughput, minimizing downtime, regulating inventory, and managing their capital investment. Importantly, our manufacturing solutions prioritize sustainability, equipping company leaders to accurately access and decrease their carbon footprint.


Manufacturing Industry Overview

In the current business environment, the manufacturing sector faces challenges on several fronts. Supply chain reliability varies and demand forecasts are not always accurate, wreaking havoc on safe inventory levels.  Aging infrastructure requires pre-emptive maintenance to meet production deadlines and strategic upgrades to comply with environmental regulatory requirements.  Access to skilled workers is limited.  The final challenge is evaluating changes in costs and benefits to optimize capital investment plans.

Sea Cliff Consulting provides cutting-edge operations solutions for clients in the manufacturing sector, including bottleneck analysis, predictive maintenance, and downtime prevention strategies. Sea Cliff manufacturing experts work with clients to identify rate limiting factors to throughput, establish schedules for proactive mechanical maintenance, and determine the appropriate safety stock levels based on variabilities in supply, demand, process and transportation. We assist clients in managing their capital investment by conducting cost benefit analysis and net present value modeling to evaluate project costs and return on investment (ROI).  Finally, our comprehensive carbon footprint analysis enables clients to set targets and monitor compliance with environmental standards.

Our Specialties
Bottleneck Analysis
Inventory Management Solutions
Predictive Maintenance and Down Time Prevention
Capital Investment Management
Sustainability Innovations